August 21, 2023 by SME Paul Gould,Senior Tool Engineer, Carmel Industries (retired) Montreal, Quebec Chapter 50 Welcome to Chapter Officer Spotlight, a monthly feature highlighting leaders from various SME chapters to showcase recent accomplishments and help chapter leaders to get to know each other and share leadership thoughts and ideas. This month, we spoke with Paul Gould, chapter secretary for Montreal, Quebec Chapter 50. We’ll have another student chapter leader spotlight when school reconvenes in September. Although Paul is currently secretary in his chapter, this fact belies his passion for service – he has been the chair for 11 terms previously and has served in chapter leadership for 30 years. His passion for engagement has endured for his entire 45 years as an SME member. In fact, in 2008, he helped restart the Montreal chapter. “SME is a great place for technical training and information which helped me advance my career,” he said. “I get to meet interesting people in manufacturing.” Paul also had some advice for chapter officers. He said, “Get to know people and their specialties; building relationships is very valuable in careers and your future.” Do you want to be highlighted in our leader spotlight, or suggest one of your fellow officers be included? Each month there will be a professional and student chapter officer spotlighted. Email Heather Palermo, Manager of Chapter Development for SME to be included.