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Highlights from Emerging Professional Industry Coffee Chat: Dealing with the HR Headache

EPICCWhen starting a new job or transitioning to a new role, navigating the intricacies of human resources can be complex. However, insights gleaned from HR professional, Kim Miscavage, and career development coach, Kelli Carroll, in our recent Emerging Professionals Coffee Chat shed light on common misconceptions and best practices.

Know Your Rights

Misinformation is common, particularly online. Take the time to familiarize yourself with your legal rights and protections in the workplace. Read through the employee handbook carefully to understand company expectations. Remember, you have the right to ask questions about compliance and proper conduct without fear of retaliation.

Seek Clarification During Onboarding

The onboarding process can feel overwhelming, but it’s crucial to seek clarification when needed. Don’t hesitate to ask questions during onboarding, even if it’s after the initial period. HR is there to support you in your transition into the company.

Embrace Company Culture

HR often plays a significant role in monitoring and shaping the company culture. Take time to understand and embrace the company culture, especially the initiatives HR puts forth. Be empowered to share possible policies and processes with your HR teams to encourage positive workplace environments. Your engagement and feedback matter.

Invest in Your Professional Development

HR can be a valuable resource for your professional growth. Take advantage of any career development programs or education opportunities offered by your company. Seek guidance from HR in identifying career paths within the organization and exploring new opportunities. For example, consider shadowing other colleagues in roles you are interested in, or reach out to HR to ask about receiving potential professional development opportunities. Remember, curiosity and continuous learning are key to success.

Navigate Pay Raises and Promotions

Understanding the process of pay raises and promotions is essential. HR maintains fairness and equity within the organization, but it’s crucial to advocate for yourself. Research market rates, keep track of your accomplishments, seek feedback on your performance, and don’t be afraid to discuss your career goals with HR.

Exiting Gracefully

Should you decide to leave your company, be sure to do so with professionalism and grace. Provide ample notice and participate in exit interviews honestly. Avoid burning bridges because the professional world is smaller than you think. In many cases, colleagues from one company may know someone from the company you are moving on to next. Remember, your reputation matters, even after you’ve moved on.

Stay Informed About HR Trends

The role of HR is rapidly evolving, with a focus on executive coaching, change management, and the integration of technology. By understanding these trends, you gain valuable insight into the future of HR and leverage their assistance to promote your career growth.

Navigating HR at your new job may seem daunting at first, but with these tips and tricks, you’ll be better equipped to handle any challenges that come your way. Remember, don’t hesitate to reach out when needed; ask questions and advocate for yourself to promote a smooth transition into your job.

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