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Member Council Insights: Tara Thomasson

Tara ThomassonAs a young professional engineer embarking on your career journey, the path ahead can be exhilarating yet daunting. It's a time of immense growth, learning, and self-discovery, where the choices you make today will shape the trajectory of your future. Two invaluable resources that can guide you through this transformative phase are mentorship and involvement in professional societies such as SME.

Mentorship is a powerful catalyst for personal and professional growth. It's a relationship built on trust, wisdom-sharing and mutual respect, where an experienced individual imparts their knowledge and insights to help you navigate the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. A mentor is not just a career coach, but a beacon of guidance, encouragement, and inspiration.

Complementing mentorship is the invaluable role of professional societies. These organizations serve as a hub for networking, continuous learning and staying abreast of the latest trends and advancements in your field. By joining a professional society, you gain access to a wealth of resources, from technical publications and industry events to career development opportunities and peer support networks.

The synergy between mentorship and professional societies is profound. Through these societies, you can connect with seasoned professionals who can become your mentors, sharing their experiences and insights. Additionally, these organizations often facilitate formal mentorship programs, pairing you with industry veterans who can guide you along your chosen path.

Embrace the transformative power of mentorship and professional societies, for it is through these invaluable connections that you will unlock your full potential, discover your true passion, and contribute to shaping a better future for us all. Join a professional society today and embark on a journey of continuous growth, lifelong learning, and meaningful impact in the engineering world. Take a moment and indicate your interest in volunteering and Bright Minds Mentorship Programs to support SME’s mission, vision, purpose.

To illustrate how SME can be an important part of your journey, SME is hosting Career Forums at the upcoming RAPID + TCT conference where industry technical leaders will engage with attendees to discuss the pathways to their careers and provide advice on how to enhance career development. Links to register for each conference are above and you will be able to register for the Career Forums when you register for the conferences.