Compact Waterjets: The Perfect Teaching Tool December 1, 2020 At trade schools, universities and high schools, abrasive waterjet cutting machines provide an excellent teaching tool. They are simple, versatile, easy to use—and easy on the budget.
Dassault Systèmes Unveils 3DEXPERIENCE Edu September 30, 2020 3DEXPERIENCE Edu combines a new portfolio of learning experiences, publications, partnerships, competitions and certifications with the 3DEXPERIENCE platform, for both students and professionals.
AI's Role in Automotive September 9, 2020 As the auto industry embraces AI, the need for a better-educated workforce will increase.
Promoting STEM Careers for Women July 24, 2020 In the United States, females earn 61.3 percent of the four-year college degrees and make up over 50.3 percent of the population, but still lag in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) careers.
LIFT Receives $1M to Retrain Manufacturing Workers in Response to COVID-19 July 8, 2020 Detroit-based LIFT said it has received $1 milion to retrain civilian manufacturing workers affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Change The Culture, Fill The Skills Gap June 24, 2020 Colleges and universities are playing a crucial role helping North Carolina address a statewide skilled labor shortage.
Viewing the Future of Manufacturing at Desert View June 5, 2020 Teaching at Desert View High School in this close-knit area of Tucson, Ariz. can be quite a challenge. Our student body is about 90 percent Hispanic, and in many households both parents have to work.
Van Buren Tech Shatters Manufacturing Stereotypes April 29, 2020 It’s easy to tell the quality of an educational institution by the character of its graduates. Van Buren Tech’s Advanced Manufacturing graduates have both the hard and soft skills that make them invaluable employees and ideal continuing students.
Fastems Launches Digital Manufacturing Solutions to Teach Automation to Students and Employees February 4, 2020 Fastems LLC has launched three new products to enable educational institutions and manufacturing enterprises to benefit from its advanced Digital Manufacturing (DM) solutions for factory automation. In addition to functioning as a classroom teaching and learning tool, DM enables companies to do training and testing before ramp-up and simulation during production.
Hope Meets Workforce Needs at Daley College’s MTEC January 31, 2020 Machining programs at community colleges can bring to mind images of old, tired equipment, housed in even older, drab facilities. That was the case at Richard J. Daley College, one of the City Colleges of Chicago. But not anymore.