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SME Search Search Results

Displaying 111-120 of 527 results for

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CNC Software Introduces the Mastercam Educators Alliance

CNC Software Inc. has announced The Mastercam Educators Alliance (MEA), an organization designed to bring together the community of educators that teach and use Mastercam and provide a platform for sharing information.

Building a Future in Florida

Florida's advanced manufacturing industries are diverse and include sectors producing intermediate and finished products ranging from plastics and micro-electronics to tortillas and motor vehicles.

Mastercam Retains Top Ranking Worldwide in 2020

More shops and schools invest in Mastercam than any other CAD/CAM software package in the world, according to CIMdata, an independent research firm specializing in the NC industry. CIMdata reports that Mastercam is the number one CAM software used worldwide for 26 years in a row

Open X Announces New Verisurf Metrology Training Course

Open X Education, an interactive learning platform, in collaboration with Verisurf Software, Inc., announces the latest metrology learning program designed for those seeking a career in the fast-growing manufacturing and metrology industry.