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SME Search Search Results

Displaying 11-20 of 74 results for

Forming & Fabricating clear SME Speaks clear

Digital Twins for the Machining Process

Digital twins are breathing life and innovation into increasingly more areas of manufacturing as well as solving challenges for machine shops of all sizes. With the skilled labor shortage and an ongoing effort to reshore high-tech manufacturing to the U.S., digital twins have a lot to offer.

Semiconductor Devices for Automobiles

There are more applications of semiconductors in hybrid and electric vehicles which are now growing significantly, with more than 1 million EVs added in the last year globally.

Driving a New Normal

2020 was certainly an unusual year—for SME, for our industry, and for the world. There is no question that these unusual times will carry over into 2021. Unusual does not necessarily mean bad; it just means different. Often hidden within those differences are opportunities.

The Role of Computer Games in the Future of Manufacturing Education and Training

The manufacturing industry is arguably the backbone of any nation’s economy. Manufacturing represents about 11 percent of U.S. GDP and more than 8 percent of U.S. employment. As a result of Industry 4.0, the U.S. manufacturing industry is going through a paradigm shift, both in terms of technological developments and the skill sets required.

A Real Challenge Leads to New Science

The power of any nation owes much to her manufacturing prowess. Our living standard owes much to the ingenuity of humanity. For example, welding was, is and will be an intimate partner in the history of manufacturing.