Better Together: Machinists and Programmers April 27, 2018 Spend enough time on shop floors and you’ll learn about the two different groups of skilled workers that reside there. On one side are the old-school machinists—skilled craftspeople who use their hands, eyes and ears to guide machine tools. On the other side are the programmers and engineers.
Robotic Welding Fills Skills Gap with Quality Production October 1, 2015 The decision to adopt robotic automation for welding cells is getting easier every day. There are any number of manufacturing considerations influencing that decision, including quality, productivity, and consistency of the weld. Today, however, the key driver is the lack of skilled welders available to fill the requirements of shops both large and small.
New On-Ramps to Workforce Development April 1, 2024 There are two ways to tackle the skilled labor shortage: automate wherever possible or encourage a new generation to consider the manufacturing industry. Bowden Manufacturing of Ohio does both, with the help of industry partners such as Absolute Machine Tools.
Pushing the Envelope June 20, 2023 Bogi Lateiner and the women of Girl Gang Garage prove that the world of wrenching, welding, and wickedly cool cars is anything but a “boys only” club
Creating the Biofabrication Workforce of the Future June 3, 2022 BioFabUSA is advancing workforce development programs that inspire people to tackle the challenges of manufacturing replacement human cells, tissues and organs.
The State of Smart June 2, 2022 Pandemic moves digitization to front burner; software enables connection to legacy equipment.
Mastercam Announces Competition Winners November 22, 2021 Mastercam has announced the 2021 Wildest Parts Competition winners. The Wildest Parts Competition is held each year to encourage student interest and participation in manufacturing.
Change The Culture, Fill The Skills Gap June 24, 2020 Colleges and universities are playing a crucial role helping North Carolina address a statewide skilled labor shortage.
Viewing the Future of Manufacturing at Desert View June 5, 2020 Teaching at Desert View High School in this close-knit area of Tucson, Ariz. can be quite a challenge. Our student body is about 90 percent Hispanic, and in many households both parents have to work.
Fastems Launches Digital Manufacturing Solutions to Teach Automation to Students and Employees February 4, 2020 Fastems LLC has launched three new products to enable educational institutions and manufacturing enterprises to benefit from its advanced Digital Manufacturing (DM) solutions for factory automation. In addition to functioning as a classroom teaching and learning tool, DM enables companies to do training and testing before ramp-up and simulation during production.