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SME Search Search Results

Displaying 191-200 of 971 results for

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Smart Biomanufacturing

Developing better biosensors is one of the hurdles to be surmounted in order to bring tissue manufacturing to scale.

Welcome to Voices AMplified

The true story of AM—it’s current and potential abilities and the people who continue to develop it—deserves to be heard.

Lockheed Martin Achieves IIot Smart Factory

Aegis Software, a global provider of Manufacturing Operations Management Software (MOM/MES), announces that Lockheed Martin’s Lufkin facility has connected key SMT machines of all key types using the IPC-CFX standard.

The Ideal Interface for Machining

The importance of making machine tool controls faster, more powerful and, above all, friendlier in the age of skilled labor shortages.

Mirroring the World

From SimCity to Universe in a Shoebox—the growth of digital twins and what they mean to small- and medium-sized manufacturers.

Bigger, Lighter, Stronger, Faster

As aerospace ramps up its use of advanced composites, robots and automated manufacturing systems will assume ever larger roles in building and machining these challenging materials.