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SME Search Search Results

Displaying 251-260 of 1068 results for

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Six Tips for Tooling Up a New Machine Tool

The addition of a new machine can be exciting for a metalworking business. It signals progress and growth while giving the team something new and exciting to work and experiment with.

CESMII’s SMIP shines in test drive

In a recent demonstration of the vendor-agnostic Smart Manufacturing Innovation Platform (SMIP) from CESMII, project partners first helped managers of North Carolina State University’s water purification plant get off the dime and analyze the data they were collecting with smart instruments.

Sizing Up Deburring Operations

It’s a sad fact of practically all metal removal operations that, no matter how sharp the tool or free-machining the material, there are going to be burrs, hanging chads, ragged corners, and other edge quality issues that must be dealt with before calling the workpiece complete.

50 Years Strong: Paul Horn GmbH Honors Past, Looks to Future at 2019 Technology Days

Horn Technology Days, hosted by Paul Horn GmbH every two years, is a celebration of manufacturing and what is possible with modern cutting tool technology. This year’s event coincided with the company's 50 year anniversary and featured three days of technical sessions, factory tours and practical demonstrations of the company’s manufacturing products.

GF Divisions Broaden Sales and Service Support with New Facility in Mexico

GF Machining Solutions and GF Piping Systems are further enhancing their direct sales and service support to customers in Mexico with the construction of a new Nuevo Leon joint headquarters. In late October, the companies conducted a groundbreaking ceremony for the 75,000-square-foot facility.