Kaizen Event Package This package provides the essential information for an effective Kaizen event. Included is the Shingo Award-winning Kaizen Event Fieldbook and the popular Value Stream Mapping video program.
Kanban Systems DVD Ideal as an introduction to the basic concepts of kanban. See what kanban systems are available, how they work, and where they'll be successful. Discussion centers on how this lean tool supports inventory control to better respond to customer demands, promote visual control, and reduce costs.
Lean Bronze Certification Package This package contains core reference materials for candidates seeking Lean Bronze Certification. All three titles in this package contain valuable information for those pursuing in-depth knowledge of lean principles and tools.
Lean Gold Certification Package This package contains core reference materials are for candidates seeking Lean Gold Certification. All five titles in this package contain valuable information for those pursuing in-depth knowledge of lean principles and tools.
Lean Manufacturing for the Small Shop, Second Edition (eBook) Lean Manufacturing for the Small Shop, Second Edition is your how-to guide for shortening delivery times, eliminating waste, improving quality, and reducing costs.