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SME Search Search Results

Displaying 271-280 of 526 results for

Robotics clear Software clear Casting clear Finishing & Coatings clear

Masters of Manufacturing: M. Eugene Merchant

M. Eugene Merchant began his career in 1936 at the Cincinnati Milling Machine Co. (later Cincinnati Milacron), where he went to work analyzing the nature of friction between the cutting tool and the chip. The young engineer eventually developed a mathematical model of the metalcutting process that is still taught and used today.


Software Stay informed with the latest insights, news, resources and products in Software to improve your manufacturing career and operations. software, software manufacturing, controls and

Robotic Returns

A few not-so-tall tales of how machine shops gain a competitive edge through automation

Powering Up CAD/CAM Training

To climb the Mastercam learning curve, Ariel Corp. worked with CNC Software to craft a training course for its workforce.

AI Simplified

The complex world of artificial intelligence and machine learning—and why it all matters