NIMS and Edge Factor Provide Free Experiences to Inspire the Future Workforce February 2, 2021 The National Institute of Metalworking Skills (NIMS) is partnering with Edge Factor this year to inspire students and job-seekers to pursue career pathways in manufacturing and other Skilled Trades.
To Retain Young Workers, Change Workplace Norms January 4, 2021 This article is based on the Workforce Leadership Exchange at FABTECH 2019. It continues coverage that began with the Up Front column in ME, January 2020, page 6, and continued with “Workforce Pipeline” on pages 102-103 of the April issue and “Workforce Pipeline” on pages 86-87 of the October issue.
LIFT Receives $1M to Retrain Manufacturing Workers in Response to COVID-19 July 8, 2020 Detroit-based LIFT said it has received $1 milion to retrain civilian manufacturing workers affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Fastems Launches Digital Manufacturing Solutions to Teach Automation to Students and Employees February 4, 2020 Fastems LLC has launched three new products to enable educational institutions and manufacturing enterprises to benefit from its advanced Digital Manufacturing (DM) solutions for factory automation. In addition to functioning as a classroom teaching and learning tool, DM enables companies to do training and testing before ramp-up and simulation during production.
Building Successful Businesses in Tampa Bay June 28, 2022 Business in Tampa Bay is booming. In this podcast, Steve Morey, senior vice president of the economic development for the Tampa Bay Economic Development Council, and Jamie Harden, president and CEO of Creative Sign Designs, share their insights.