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SME Search Search Results

Displaying 71-80 of 191 results for

Workforce Development clear

Faraday Future Reaches EV Build Milestone at Hanford Manufacturing Facility

Following the recent approvals for business site occupancy and paint shop air permits, Faraday Future (FF; Hanford, CA) hosted several key team members in a ceremony to celebrate its first preproduction build of the FF 91 ultra-luxury intelligent electric vehicle (EV) at the Hanford factory.

Diving Into My Manufacturing Education

For the past year, I have had the incredible opportunity to pursue my passion for manufacturing by studying mechanical engineering at Georgia Tech (Atlanta); I would not be where I am today without the help of the SME Education Foundation Family Scholarship. Because of this scholarship and my interactions with SME, I am flourishing as an engineer, leader and student.

Creating Workforce Opportunity with Manufacturing Skills Training

Earn a college degree, move to a major city, and land a white‐collar job in the knowledge economy—that’s the path many millennials have been taught to follow. But that route isn’t always viable. Crushing student loan debt, skyrocketing housing costs, and wage stagnation are making postgrad life unaffordable for many young people.

2018 First Global Challenge Hosts Global Robotics Students in Mexico City

First Global, a STEM-focused international nonprofit that organizes an annual international robotics competition for high-school students from around the world, announced that the First Global Challenge 2018 will convene participants from more than 160 countries, Aug. 15-18, at Mexico City’s Arena Ciudad de México to solve energy-efficiency problems with robots created by student participants.

Building a Stronger Workforce Requires a Cooperative, Collective Approach

In a rapidly changing world economy, our success is increasingly dependent upon the development of a strong, skilled workforce. To prepare our residents for careers that not only provide jobs today, but will continue to support them and their families for decades to come, a collective effort—spanning government, education and industry—is required.

Leveraging a Labor Match Made by Mother Nature–Gen Z

The manufacturing industry’s concern over finding qualified skilled workers increased from 51% in 2016 to nearly 60% in 2017, according to the Sikich 2017 Manufacturing report. Solutions to address skilled labor shortages have been a top priority for US manufacturers.

Better Together: Machinists and Programmers

Spend enough time on shop floors and you’ll learn about the two different groups of skilled workers that reside there. On one side are the old-school machinists—skilled craftspeople who use their hands, eyes and ears to guide machine tools. On the other side are the programmers and engineers.