Creating the 21st Century Manufacturing Workforce January 2, 2018 An industry regarded as dirty, loud and dangerous must do more to attract young people with the skills needed for modern manufacturing, while companies should promote their technology in the 21st century as exciting, cutting-edge, clean, safe and fun, according to a panel of experts.
Boeing Commits $1.5M for Worker Training Programs November 29, 2017 The National Fund for Workforce Solutions will help small and mid-sized manufacturers address their need for skilled workers through a new $1.5 million grant from the Boeing Company.
Reshoring: Q&A Analysis of Intangibles on Returning Production, Sourcing to the US November 14, 2017 North America’s $137 billion metalforming industry is driven by the production of a myriad of precision metal products using stamping, fabricating, spinning, slide forming, and roll forming technologies, as well as vital value-added processes. In recent decades, approximately three to four million of all US manufacturing jobs have been cumulatively lost to offshoring.
Manufacturing Careers: Overlooked, Undervalued and Unknown October 4, 2017 As children, there are an overwhelming amount of inputs that direct and encourage students to enter the traditional paths that lead to career and financial success. While the best intentions are in place and these paths are respectable, important ones, the college-bound, high-level career direction has left undiscovered territory, often referred to as the talent gap.
Sandvik Coromant Supports Vocational Training through WorldSkills September 18, 2017 Cutting tool and tooling system specialist Sandvik Coromant (Sandviken, Sweden and Fair Lawn, NJ) is the official sponsor and exclusive tooling partner for seven skills competitions at WorldSkills Abu Dhabi, to be held in October 2017.
Workforce Challenges are Top Concern for Manufacturers, 2017 Report Finds July 27, 2017 Manufacturers are optimistic about their industry and the U.S. economy, but concerned about the ongoing struggle to find qualified workers, according to the 2017 Manufacturing Report from professional services firm Sikich LLP.
Apprenticeship Programs Obtainable for Small Business through Consortium Approach July 21, 2017 Employment trends are positive, which is promising for the nation—but challenging for manufacturers seeking skilled labor. While larger companies are successfully building a pipeline of workers through apprenticeship programs, this approach is tougher for small and mid-sized companies with limited resources.
Importance of Critical Thinking in MBSE December 7, 2016 Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) is evolving before our eyes. Once a methodology built purely on system diagrams, today’s MBSE efforts have connected databases and unlocked an incredible potential for analysis.
SWE Reveals Specific Instances of Gender, Racial Bias in Engineering Workforce October 24, 2016 The Society of Women Engineers’ (SWE) newest study reveals specific gender and racial biases faced within the engineering profession, and unearths a wealth of first-hand information about how implicit bias plays out in engineering.
Engineering a Successful Career Path June 28, 2016 With the worldwide shortage of qualified engineers expected to hit a critical point in the next 15 years, now might just be the best time in history to come out of school with an engineering degree. This demand for technical talent is certainly great news for anyone entering the engineering profession.