Automation Alley, Oakland University to Open Cybersecurity Center June 20, 2023 Automation Alley has been awarded $2 million from the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Cybersecurity, Energy Security, and Emergency Response (CESER) to create a university-based cybersecurity center in Michigan.
Data-Driven Productivity April 26, 2023 Advanced sensors and controllers go digital for a competitive edge.
Creative Solutions for Productivity, Profitability April 19, 2023 Navigating lingering industrywide concerns that make bottom-line sense.
ABB Unveils Film Series About Women in Industry March 20, 2023 ABB announced the launch of its new film series: Unstoppable. This series aims to promote diversity and profile three remarkable female leaders in the mining, pulp and paper, and metals industries.
Shop Floor Connectivity, Visibility, and Profitability March 2, 2023 The backbone to successful and widespread digitization of manufacturing is connectivity. It pulls everything together, enabling visibility, scalability, and greater productivity.
Top 3 Cyber Threats Defined February 13, 2023 Best practices to combat ransomware, phishing attacks, and supply chain threats
Making Cybersecurity a Team Sport: CyManII February 10, 2023 Bringing the biggest and most creative brains together to secure U.S. manufacturers
Industry Priorities for 2023 February 8, 2023 Investments in technology, workforce key for a resilient manufacturing ecosystem
Defending the IoT/OT Attack Surface February 8, 2023 Understand the risks and protect against IoT/OT devices being breached