PRN-RIA Partnership: There’s Problem Solving in Numbers August 6, 2019 The Pittsburgh region is a hotbed of activity in robotics and AI. This activity includes research and technology companies that commercialize academic research and solve real world problems.
McDermott International Uses 3DEXPERIENCE from Dassault Systèmes to Drive Fundamental Change July 19, 2019 McDermott International is using Digital Twins to grow its business and to keep information flowing instead of trapped in silos.
Process Control by Analyzing Metal Temperature Gradients with Fixed Thermal Imaging November 22, 2019 Producing metal products is one of the most energy intensive industries. Improving both energy and production efficiency, as well as ensuring product quality is at the top of any manufacturers to do list. Engineers should consider using fixed thermal imaging cameras to optimize their manufacturing process.
Generative Design and the Conventional Machine Shop October 29, 2019 The term generative design has been popping up in the manufacturing world of late. Its promise is to create many design permutations to let engineers choose an optimum one that meets sometimes conflicting requirements.
Virtual Reality Factory Model for Manufacturing Innovation October 30, 2019 The Commonwealth Center for Advanced Manufacturing (CCAM), Prince George County, Va., brings together industry, academia, and government to solve advanced manufacturing challenges.
Survey: Manufacturers Behind the IIoT Curve September 10, 2019 Software AG (Frankfurt, MDAX: SOW) announced an original survey of over 125 North American manufacturers in the heavy industry and automotive sectors that revealed they are unable to scale their Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) investments across their enterprises, and therefore are losing millions of dollars in potential profits while falling behind competitors that have invested in enabling technologies that support IIoT across the enterprise.
IoT + analytics = cool new stuff to sell October 16, 2019 Put the paper and pencil away. Hybrid data management and analysis systems-where users combine paper tracking with computer processing-are no longer meeting the needs of manufacturers for speed, accuracy, traceability and compliance with regulations.
Barriers to robot deployment falling one by one October 16, 2019 Industrial robots are becoming easier to program, more versatile, more cost-effective, more accurate and more mobile. These changes are lowering barriers to entry, shortening return on investment and making robots a more practical investment.
Going digital helped mailbox maker supersize its product October 16, 2019 Cloud technology presents manufacturers with opportunities to improve the flexibility, scalability and efficiency of their operations. Realizing these benefits will require more than simply doing a one-to-one transfer of current technology to cloud-based servers.
Smart Manufacturing Drives Five Key Changes October 11, 2019 What do you think of when you hear the word factory? Probably some huge space, with machines humming and personnel walking around with notepads in their hands.