Micromanufacturing is Growing July 1, 2004 Many industries have been making parts with micron dimensions for some time, but in the last few years, the market for miniaturization has expanded. The demand is not only for small parts, but also for small complex features on larger parts. This is due chiefly to the switch to modules in which the functions of several parts or subsystems are not handled by a single complex unit.
Targeting the Skills Gap in Forming and Fabricating July 24, 2020 As in other industries, U.S. forming and fabricating companies are experiencing a critical shortage of skilled labor. In this SME Media podcast, Alan Rooks, Editor in Chief of Manufacturing Engineering magazine, talks with Robert Tessier, National Director of Advanced Fabrication Technologies for Airgas about the skills gap in the forming and fabricating industry; changes needed in the education system to fill the need for skilled labor; how automation factors into efforts to reduce the skills gap; and efforts at Airgas to develop workers for manufacturing operations, including a special program for military veterans.
New Chiller Technology Helps Industrial Lasers Keep Their Cool April 9, 2018 Industrial lasers require cooling to remove excess heat generated in the resonator power electronics and the optics system. The type of cooling required is determined by laser wattage, resonator efficiency, resonator and optics temperature requirements, and ambient temperature.
Performance Breakthroughs Drive Laser Marking April 9, 2018 While laser marking and engraving are well-established processes, innovations and investments in the sector are continuing to push performance boundaries.
Laser Welding Advances Fuel New Applications April 6, 2018 From producing lithium-ion batteries to processing sheetmetal, new laser welding systems are “pushing the envelope” of light absorption, beam control, speed and programming flexibility.
Intel Gets $8.5 Billion for Chip Plants March 20, 2024 The money will go toward building new and beefing up existing sites in the U.S.
When Should Small Businesses See an ROI on Laser Cutters? January 19, 2024 Tight budgets are the norm for small companies in the laser-cutting industry, so finding ways to save money and accelerate ROI is critical.
Micross Components Awarded $134.3 Million DOD Contract November 27, 2023 The Department of Defense has awarded Micross Components $134.3 million under the IBAS Cornerstone RESHAPE program.
Event-Based Vision: Where Tech Meets Biology January 17, 2023 Modern event-based machine vision systems increase efficiency, productivity, and quality
How SMMs Can Embrace Volatility Using Digital Manufacturing December 8, 2022 To be competitive in today’s dynamic manufacturing environment, small- and medium-sized manufacturers (SMMs) need to implement mechanisms to facilitate the effective processing of multiple streams of highly volatile and time-sensitive customer requirements.