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SME Search Search Results

Displaying 141-150 of 552 results for

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A Ready to Deploy Platform for the Internet of Things

Sudhir Mehta, global vice president for digital transformation at Lexmark, headquartered in Lexington, Ky., discusses the company’s ready-made Optra IoT platform and its value to all types of manufacturers.

Open X Announces New Verisurf Metrology Training Course

Open X Education, an interactive learning platform, in collaboration with Verisurf Software, Inc., announces the latest metrology learning program designed for those seeking a career in the fast-growing manufacturing and metrology industry.

Virtual VERICUT Users' Exchange VUE Events Slated

Each year, CGTech hosts VERICUT Users' Exchange (VUE) events for its customers around the globe. As a response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the North American VUE events will once again be held virtually in 2021.

Model-Based Definition in the Tiers

Can small and medium-sized manufacturers, Tier 2 or Tier 3 guys, use all-digital descriptions of part orders, dispensing with paper specifications and supplemental drawings to efficiently deliver parts?