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SME Search Search Results

Displaying 141-150 of 153 results for

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Hexagon Giving CAD Software Access to Users of WORKNC

Hexagon is providing mold and die shops using its CAM software WORKNC with immediate access to its model preparation software. This allows integration of production workflows from any CAD model format to CAM so shops can machine parts more efficiently and avoid costly errors.

Which Cut is Best, Water or Laser?

Laser cutting and waterjet cutting: two great technologies that go great together? Or best when they play solo? As ever, the answer is it depends—on what work a shop has coming in the door, what materials are being processed most often, operator skill levels and, ultimately, the available equipment budget.

Making Welding Accessible to All

With the ongoing shortage of skilled workers and the pickup in the economy, suppliers of welding equipment are finding ways to making welding easier for those working in manufacturing. Automation is the leading technique among many.

Experts knock down AI barriers

Why don’t more manufacturers in the United States use smart manufacturing technologies like AI and machine learning to reduce waste, achieve predictive maintenance and enhance their automation systems? Five CESMII roundtable panelists share their insights.

Trumpf Shows New Offerings—Virtually

Among the expected new product offerings a company such as Trumpf would offer at FABTECH, it chose to show all of its offerings via large video screens and real-time links. It shows the reality of not only Industry 4.0 but Marketing 4.0 as well.

Reduce Cost, Increase Speed with Model-Based Definition

Manufacturers need to create more production setups as batch sizes get smaller. Skilled labor continues to be hard to hire and keep. Higher levels of automation are needed, not just in material handling but also in fabricating, machining, assembly, and inspection.

Flexibility as a Fundamental Weapon Against COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic is causing major upheavals both in people’s lives and in the manufacturing world. One of the main problems that even the most developed nations are facing is a shortage of personal protection equipment (PPE), including masks, glasses, gowns, safety suits, and fans.