Sizing Up Deburring Operations December 3, 2019 It’s a sad fact of practically all metal removal operations that, no matter how sharp the tool or free-machining the material, there are going to be burrs, hanging chads, ragged corners, and other edge quality issues that must be dealt with before calling the workpiece complete.
U.S. Cutting Tool Orders Down 1% in November Year to Date January 24, 2020 November 2019 U.S. cutting tool consumption totaled $189.1 million, according to the U.S. Cutting Tool Institute (USCTI) and AMT – The Association For Manufacturing Technology.
50 Years Strong: Paul Horn GmbH Honors Past, Looks to Future at 2019 Technology Days November 8, 2019 Horn Technology Days, hosted by Paul Horn GmbH every two years, is a celebration of manufacturing and what is possible with modern cutting tool technology. This year’s event coincided with the company's 50 year anniversary and featured three days of technical sessions, factory tours and practical demonstrations of the company’s manufacturing products.
Tsugami/Rem Sales Continues to Support Wounded Warrior Project November 12, 2019 Tsugami/Rem Sales, the exclusive North American importer of Precision Tsugami machine tools, announced today that it is committed to support our nation’s wounded warriors through Wounded Warrior Project® (WWP) and the nonprofit’s free programs and services.
Go Off the Charts for Toolholder Torque Settings October 10, 2019 For years, collet-type toolholder assembly and setup have relied on cumbersome, error-prone manual methods that waste time and money.
GWS Tool Group Acquires Intrepid Tool Industries January 8, 2020 GWS Tool Group has acquired Intrepid Tool Industries. Intrepid is the first add-on acquisition in 2020 for GWS.
Blaser Swisslube Raises Funds for National Robotics League October 21, 2019 From November 1 to December 31, 2019, Blaser will donate $500 to the National Robotics League (NRL) on behalf of each National Tooling and Machining Association (NTMA) member company placing their first order for one or more drums of Blaser metalworking fluids.
Advances in Titanium Machining—Do More on Less Floor February 6, 2017 The demand for titanium components by the aerospace industry began as a whisper about 15 years ago and steadily grew to a sustained, raucous shout over the last five and likely won’t quiet for several more.
There is No Hold on Innovation in Workholding January 6, 2017 When it comes to creative workholding solutions, Kurt Industrial Products Division doesn’t hesitate to replace one or even two of its old vises with a new one to get a better product.
Laser Takes Heat Out of Tough Tool Grinding December 1, 2016 Cutting tool maker Shape-Master Tool Co. (Kirkland, IL) needed to expand its tool grinding capability beyond that of its conventional machines or run the risk of losing work to the competition.