A&D companies would do well to pay attention to 5G January 23, 2020 Much has been written about potential applications for 5G. But a less well known application exists in the aerospace and defense industry—that pertains to manufacturing processes.
5 things to do to stay sane, achieve industrial efficiency January 29, 2020 Manufacturers face challenging times. After more than a decade of booming economic growth, some are pointing to a potential recession.
Contextualized insights gained from data save precious time, material October 16, 2019 Manufacturers who have deployed the digital or smart factory have put down their pencils, found new uses for their clipboards and closed their spreadsheet programs in favor of using real-time data gleaned from condition monitoring of their machinery.
Traditional IT firms, traditional OT firms try newfangled ties October 16, 2019 Information technology and operations technology are unlikely candidates for a successful marriage. But to ensure that manufacturers thrive in the digital age, OT and IT must find ways to work together—or to at least, as on Tinder, swipe right to indicate interest.
In China, and world over, it will soon be all about adroitly adjusting on the fly October 17, 2019 The concepts Industry 4.0 in Europe, Made in China 2025 and smart manufacturing in the U.S. “all share a common goal—to create cyber-physical systems to innovate in manufacturing,” IDC's Bob Parker said at Dassault Systèmes’ recent Manufacturing in the Age of Experience event. “And it’s really dependent on a set of new technologies like IoT (the Internet of Things) and artificial intelligence (AI).”
Model-Based Definition in the Tiers January 25, 2021 Can small and medium-sized manufacturers, Tier 2 or Tier 3 guys, use all-digital descriptions of part orders, dispensing with paper specifications and supplemental drawings to efficiently deliver parts?
Choose Digital, Choose the Right Drill January 11, 2021 The Industry 4.0 & Smart Manufacturing Adoption Report by IoT Analytics suggests that Industry 4.0 technology uptake is still low among manufacturers.
Rolls-Royce Germany Finds Way to Increase a Grinding Capacity October 12, 2020 Christoph Fedler, project director for equipment management at Rolls-Royce Germany, was facing a challenge: He needed to increase the available capacity of the prime discipline at the Oberursel facility, namely micrometer-precise grinding of curvic couplings.
CAM Software Plays Key Role in Shop’s 5-Axis Machining Success October 14, 2020 To grow in today’s manufacturing world, shops need to consolidate operations, automate, increase efficiency, capture and analyze data and more, in order to fully leverage opportunities in thriving industries, such as aerospace.
UR Helps Tool Gauge Double Production of Components October 13, 2020 Tacoma, Washington-based Tool Gauge manufactures precision metal and plastic components and assemblies for the aerospace industry.