Native American Heritage Month | SME November is Native American Heritage Month and SME is proud to recognize indigenous people within manufacturing.
SME's 90th Anniversary SME supports the makers that believe in changing the world through manufacturing.
Industrial M&A Falls in 2019 January 27, 2020 Industrial merger and acquisition activity fell in 2019 because of slowing economies and trade uncertainty, consulting firm PwC said in a report.
What a Magazine Means to Readers: The Sequel January 28, 2020 In my October Up front column, I wrote about an email I had received from Steve Wenning, who was retiring and told me about how much he used Manufacturing Engineering throughout his career. I enjoyed corresponding with Steve, particularly since I don’t often receive direct feedback from readers.
U.S. Cutting Tool Orders Down 1% in November Year to Date January 24, 2020 November 2019 U.S. cutting tool consumption totaled $189.1 million, according to the U.S. Cutting Tool Institute (USCTI) and AMT – The Association For Manufacturing Technology.
3D Printing Cleared for Takeoff January 29, 2020 Aerospace was an early, and enthusiastic, adopter of additive manufacturing. The technology has been used to make brackets inside of aircraft.
Aerospace: Comply or Die January 28, 2020 Success in aerospace machining requires more than the ability to hold tight tolerances in difficult materials. It also requires the ability to prove that you did so in compliance with a pile of specific guidelines, with reports that likewise must follow a specific format.
A showcase for lasers’ versatility in aerospace January 31, 2020 A couple of years back, Scott Blake was at a trade show in Baltimore when two researchers from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Goddard Space Flight Center stopped at his company’s booth.
5 things to do to stay sane, achieve industrial efficiency January 29, 2020 Manufacturers face challenging times. After more than a decade of booming economic growth, some are pointing to a potential recession.
LK Metrology Launches New CMM Measurement Services Department January 23, 2020 Located in their new North American Tech Center, LK Metrology offers a new CMM measurement services department for performing contract dimensional inspection.