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SME Search Search Results

Displaying 1971-1980 of 8145 results for

2022 or earlier clear

The 20 Most Influential Academics

Review the accomplishments and aspirations of the 20 most influential academics identified by Smart Manufacturing magazine in 2021, and you may spot some patterns in the data—no artificial intelligence required.

Livin’ Large with Outsize Parts and Workholding

Workholding needs to be super-sized when machining workpieces like truck transmission housings, wind turbine blades, rocket bodies, and more, for industries like aerospace and defense, agricultural, energy, marine, rail, and on- and off-road transportation.

Braskem’s use of digital twin exemplifies Society 5.0

To achieve a better world, we have chosen Society 5.0 as our key driver. The evolution of automation technologies in the context of Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0 is fantastic, but the focus should be to benefit society, humankind and the earth.

2021: The Year of the Connected Worker

In 2020, the ability for manufacturers to rapidly pivot to changing market demands and challenges became critical for success—and in many cases, survival.