Investigators work to crush barriers to automation route December 9, 2020 To get to smart manufacturing, the industry needs integration, simulation and analysis.
The 20 Most Influential Academics May 28, 2021 Review the accomplishments and aspirations of the 20 most influential academics identified by Smart Manufacturing magazine in 2021, and you may spot some patterns in the data—no artificial intelligence required.
Livin’ Large with Outsize Parts and Workholding May 25, 2021 Workholding needs to be super-sized when machining workpieces like truck transmission housings, wind turbine blades, rocket bodies, and more, for industries like aerospace and defense, agricultural, energy, marine, rail, and on- and off-road transportation.
Growing AM Industry Shows its True Mettle in COVID-19 Pandemic April 1, 2021 Over the past decade, additive manufacturing (AM), also known as 3D printing, has continued to grow and solidify its place within private industry, academia, and government.
Smart manufacturing takeaways from NASA’s latest trip to Mars March 31, 2021 NASA landed another rover on Mars in February, thanks in part to the work and leadership of Adam Steltzner. Smart Manufacturing interviewed him shortly thereafter—just as he got off the phone with U.S. President Joe Biden.
Long-Lasting Taps Deliver 400 Hard Holes, 50 Percent Savings for Equipment Manufacturer March 30, 2021 Recycling equipment manufacturer Harris Equipment Co., Cordele, Ga., saved 50 percent per job tapping Hardox 450 steel wear plates by switching to taps from Emuge Corp., West Boylston, Mass.
Braskem’s use of digital twin exemplifies Society 5.0 April 2, 2021 To achieve a better world, we have chosen Society 5.0 as our key driver. The evolution of automation technologies in the context of Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0 is fantastic, but the focus should be to benefit society, humankind and the earth.
2021: The Year of the Connected Worker March 31, 2021 In 2020, the ability for manufacturers to rapidly pivot to changing market demands and challenges became critical for success—and in many cases, survival.
Addressing great need for automation of composites April 1, 2021 The aerospace industry is setting itself up for a massive conjunction of need for industrial capacity to produce parts in the near future.