First-Time Automation With RaaS At Polar Manufacturing January 28, 2022 Polar has successfully “hired” a robot with Formic, realizing a return on investment from the second the robot turned on.
Energy Industry Demands New Mix of Parts November 29, 2021 While fossil fuels dominate the energy market, expect a new mix of parts as renewable energy and EVs grow in market share.
Intelligent Assembly Helps Auto Part Remanufacturer Compete March 24, 2021 When an automotive starter needs to be replaced, it’s very likely that the most expensive components—the armature, commutator or gears—are still functional, or can be restored economically.
Reducing Complexity in Assembly Equipment May 25, 2022 In this podcast, John Derry, senior application engineer at Promess, talks to SME Media contributing editor Michael Anderson about reducing complexity in assembly equipment. Derry discusses how assembly systems may become unnecessarily complex--and how that complexity can reduce quality and increase costs. Derry goes on to describe effective ways of addressing these issues and to reduce and even eliminate unnecessary complexity.
ANCA Celebrates 50 Years of Innovation and Appoints New General Manager September 28, 2023 ANCA celebrates 50 years of technological innovation. With private ownership at its core, ANCA remains at the forefront of the tool industry, poised for a future of transformative advancements under the leadership of general manager Edmund Boland.
Cleaning, Maintenance Key to Prolonging Life of Non-Ferrous Furnaces July 31, 2023 Unlocking Foundry Efficiency: Master the art of clean, high-quality aluminum production. Learn how to extend furnace life and optimize your bottom line with these essential tips.
Building a Future in Rural Florida January 14, 2020 Not far from Florida’s metropolitan areas lie rural communities with the space and workforce to support manufacturing leaders. From Walton County in the Panhandle to the Heartland Counties near Lake Okeechobee, the state’s rural regions present a unique mix of resources for the manufacturing industry.
Process Control by Analyzing Metal Temperature Gradients with Fixed Thermal Imaging November 22, 2019 Producing metal products is one of the most energy intensive industries. Improving both energy and production efficiency, as well as ensuring product quality is at the top of any manufacturers to do list. Engineers should consider using fixed thermal imaging cameras to optimize their manufacturing process.
Workforce Engineering—How to Solve the Skills Gap March 8, 2022 The best way to solve the skills gap is to ignite the already existing and yet dormant fuel of curiosity inside of young minds.
Learning is a Continuing Venture February 7, 2022 The Composites Manufacturing Technical Group of SME recognized two individuals and two prominent composites manufacturing organizations at its 2021 Excellence in Composites Manufacturing Awards program.