Taking a Virtual Factory Approach in New Tooling Management Systems for the IIoT March 15, 2017 2017 will be an historic time for TDM Systems. We have released our next generation of products that includes two product areas of our software portfolio—standard server/client TDM with TDM 2017 and a new flagship cloud-based software, Global Line.
Lasers and Robots: Marriage of Convenience March 1, 2017 As both robots and lasers improve their capabilities, they prove to be even better partners in more applications
Full Stream Ahead: Waterjet Smooths Production February 6, 2017 More shops than ever are embracing waterjet cutting systems. And for the most part, the reason is that a number of customer-driven improvements/innovations to waterjet technology make it even more user friendly, productive and appealing to an ever-broadening array of manufacturers.
Spacecraft Valve Body 3D Printed in Titanium February 3, 2017 Larger titanium aircraft components are being manufactured faster with selective laser melting 3D printing technology from SLM Solutions NA Inc.
Advances in Titanium Machining—Do More on Less Floor February 6, 2017 The demand for titanium components by the aerospace industry began as a whisper about 15 years ago and steadily grew to a sustained, raucous shout over the last five and likely won’t quiet for several more.
New Graphene Synthesized for Industrial Uses February 7, 2017 Materials researcher Metalysis Ltd. (South Yorkshire, UK) recently announced that it has developed a new synthesized graphene material that holds potential for future industrial production. Metalysis, which is focused on commercializing its proprietary electrochemical metal-powder manufacturing technology, said its R&D successfully produced graphene using the company’s own process.
Laser Takes Heat Out of Tough Tool Grinding December 1, 2016 Cutting tool maker Shape-Master Tool Co. (Kirkland, IL) needed to expand its tool grinding capability beyond that of its conventional machines or run the risk of losing work to the competition.
Auto Industry Faces Short- and Long-Term Challenges December 6, 2016 Sales of cars and light trucks plummeted during the Great Recession and General Motors Co. and Chrysler emerged from government-back bankruptcies in 2009. Since then, total industry deliveries have surged, hitting a record 17.47 million in 2015, according to Autodata Corp.
How Machine Learning Aids Material Selection April 8, 2024 When it comes to materials, artificial intelligence can automate the screening process, simulate the performance of different materials and identify the best option.
Canatu and Denso Launch New Carbon Nanotube Reactor April 4, 2024 The reactor was designed to scale up production of CNT film, particularly for the automotive industry’s ADAS market.