Raising the Stakes with High-Speed Aerospace CNCs February 6, 2017 In the aerospace world, as in all sectors of manufacturing, the race is on for faster, more automated and connected machining operations. Aerospace builders have steadily pushed for more automotive-like automation over the past several years in order to improve productivity and more effectively handle large order backlogs in commercial aviation.
Conductive Thermoplastics for 3D Printing February 9, 2017 As inventive and imaginative as 3D printer technology is, so are the materials that R&D labs have come up with to build parts, including conductive thermoplastics.
3D Laser Gaging Ensures Flawless Engine Fasteners January 6, 2017 In an automobile engine, seven types of screws out of approximately 70 are considered critical to achieving the engine’s specified design performance, despite high vibration and heat. The seven include bolts for the cylinder head, crankshaft, con rod, flywheel, and main bearing cap, as well as for the camshaft cap, camshaft sprocket and VCT.
Cutting Tools for Use with New Aluminum-Compound Materials January 6, 2017 New work materials are developed continually to improve the capabilities of finished parts, making them lighter and stronger, among other properties. When these materials catch on, cutting tools must adapt to their often challenging properties.
Smashing Silver Microcubes Toughens Up Materials January 4, 2017 Scientists at Rice University (Houston) are smashing tiny silver cubes into a hard target in order to make these metallic microcubes ultrastrong and tough by rearranging their nanostructures upon impact.
Turbos Turn Up the Heat with Challenging Materials December 8, 2016 A new breed of turbochargers constructed of super tough alloys operates at higher temperatures and rotational speeds than ever before, resulting in greatly increased output in a smaller package for gas and diesel engines alike.
Stratasys Sending 3D-Printed Materials to the Moon March 12, 2024 Materials will be subjected to moon dust, low pressure and rapid temperature swings.
When Should Small Businesses See an ROI on Laser Cutters? January 19, 2024 Tight budgets are the norm for small companies in the laser-cutting industry, so finding ways to save money and accelerate ROI is critical.
Sustainability Measures That Drive ROI January 5, 2024 Building the business case for sustainability efforts in manufacturing
Friends in Fusion October 30, 2023 Reflections from one-half of the team who brought us selective laser sintering (SLS)