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SME Search Search Results

Displaying 191-200 of 391 results for

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Geometry Lesson Teaches Corvette How to Lighten Up

It’s been almost two decades since the C5 Corvette hit the streets with its groundbreaking chassis built around hydroformed steel bumper-to-bumper frame rails. The technology gave engineers a chance to create components that were both lighter and stiffer than traditional stamped and welded assemblies.

Metal Parts Follow Tough Plastics Act

When you walk into the Redeye On Demand facility in Eden Prairie, MN, you enter into one version of the factory of the future. There you will see a bank of 100 high-end Fortus fused-deposition modeling (FDM) machines from Stratasys that provide the capacity to build real, functional parts with production-grade thermoplastics directly from CAD data.

Robotic Returns

A few not-so-tall tales of how machine shops gain a competitive edge through automation

Global Automotive Ceramics Market Accelerates Towards $3.5 Billion by 2028

The global automotive ceramics market is shifting into high gear, on track to reach $3.5 billion by 2028. Discover the driving forces behind this growth, including a thriving automotive industry and the rising demand for electric vehicles, and see how innovation is steering this market into the future.