Lean Knowledge Certificate The Lean Certification program sets the standard of lean practices and principles around the world. Imagine what it can do for your curriculum. Not only can it compliment your program, it can give you the assurance of knowing that your program is aligned with industry-recognized standards. And it can all begin with you.
Certification Resources Information to help guide you through the certification process. We’re here to help — submit a request if you can’t find what you’re looking for!
Exam Preparation Tips No matter what the circumstances, taking an exam always seems to bring some level of anxiety. Below are tips to help you prepare.
Engage with SME By engaging with SME you gain access to a community of hundreds of thousands of manufacturers through our events, learning opportunities, technical communities, and local chapters. That’s the power of SME: we offer not just technology resources and knowledge, but deep and credible connections to the rest of the industry.
Technical Communities The SME Healthcare Additive Manufacturing Technical Advisory Team collaborates to identify challenges, develop resources and facilitate changes in support of anyone using additive manufacturing technologies for medical and/or biomedical applications.