Manufacturing Research The North American Manufacturing Research Institution of SME (NAMRI/SME) brings together researchers from leading companies, government laboratories, academic institutions and industrial think tanks located around the world for the advancement of the scientific foundation of discrete-parts manufacturing.
Industry-Academia Collaboration in Advanced Manufacturing Virtual Workshop (sponsored by NSF) This three-day online workshop (sponsored by NSF) is designed to encourage more fundamental collaborative research efforts between the academic manufacturing community and industry.
NAMRI | SME Board of Directors The NAMRI | SME Board of Directors makes policy for the institution that represents manufacturing research leadership in industry, government and academia in North America and the world.
NAMRI | SME Past Presidents Past Presidents. Researchers from leading companies, government laboratories, academic institutions and industrial think tanks who, throughout the years, have shared their technical expertise with the North American Manufacturing Research Institution of SME (NAMRI | SME).
NAMRI | SME Past Scientific Committee Chairs Researchers from leading companies, government laboratories, academic institutions and industrial think tanks, who, throughout the years, have shared their technical expertise with the North American Manufacturing Research Institute of SME (NAMRI | SME).
Member-Exclusive Newsletters Only members receive the SME Daily Executive Briefing, a daily newsletter tailored to the needs of manufacturing professionals, as well as the monthly "From the Desk of," and the Member NewsFlash.
SME Chapters Local SME chapters help build a member network in your own backyard, meet potential customers, partners and employers, and gain leadership opportunities.