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SME Search Search Results

Displaying 241-250 of 549 results for

Machining & Metal Cutting clear Lasers clear Fabrication clear Stamping clear

Making Parts at Home Leads to Company Job

Craig Guth has been using an ACU-RITE MILLPWR control in his home shop to make custom motorcycle parts, and he is still using that same unit today. Not only that, but his love of machining secured him a full-time job in 2003 at The Toro Company headquarters in Bloomington, Minn.

Digital Twins for the Machining Process

Digital twins are breathing life and innovation into increasingly more areas of manufacturing as well as solving challenges for machine shops of all sizes. With the skilled labor shortage and an ongoing effort to reshore high-tech manufacturing to the U.S., digital twins have a lot to offer.

Forging Ahead to Trim Titanium Costs

To produce complex titanium parts more cost-effectively, machine shops are increasingly incorporating advanced forging equipment to complement their existing CNC capabilities.

Machining a Metal Panther

OPEN MIND Technologies & HAIMER Collaborate To Machine a Sleek Panther Figure from a single aluminum block.