Fiber Lasers Continue to Gain Market Share in Material Processing Applications February 1, 2016 The first kilowatt-class fiber laser for material processing was introduced by IPG Photonics in early 2002. Since that time, the adoption of fiber lasers for production applications has grown at a rapid rate. Today, fiber lasers are becoming the choice for most major production laser applications as well as converting traditional welding and cutting processes to fiber laser technologies.
Big CNC Machine Gives Shop An Aerospace Lift March 1, 2011 When a contract manufacturer sees an opportunity in the competitive aerospace market, it sets priorities aimed at providing the right combination of processes required to meet the industry’s exacting demands. Precision machining and finishing, parts inspection, and, of course, certifications from OEMs and industry alliances are at the top of the list. Increasingly, aerospace suppliers like Volvo Aero Connecticut (Newington, CT) are benefiting from five-axis machining, advanced CNC controls, motors and drives, robotic deburring, and on-machine inspection for a competitive advantage.
Masters of Manufacturing: Joseph M. Juran July 1, 2005 Considered by many to be the “Father of Quality Management,” Dr. Joseph M. Juran is recognized as the man who added a human dimension to quality, expanding it from its statistical origins to a broader management science.
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Bruker Alicona Optical µCMM Machine Goes on the Road August 19, 2020 From September to November, optical measurement supplier Bruker Alicona is hosting a U.S roadshow. In more than 20 cities, exclusive demos of their optical metrology equipment will be organized under consideration of COVID-19 regulations.
Comau Unveils Laser Labs for EV Batteries and Motors April 9, 2020 Dedicated in-house labs create and optimize laser welding processes for electric motors and batteries.
Automatic Evaluation of X-ray Detector Performance December 1, 2020 Nikon Metrology's new Detector Evaluation Package in accordance with ASTM E2737 uniquely offers automated analysis of image data with performance trend analysis.
Verisurf Software Partners With OpenX to Close Skills Gap December 16, 2020 Verisurf Software has partnered with OpenX, an interactive learning platform, to provide comprehensive education courses to those looking to pursue a career in dimensional metrology or expand their skills in specific application areas.
BLM GROUP Enhances Automatic Laser Cutting Systems April 21, 2020 New capability adapts process parameters for optimal results independent of operator experience for its LT Fiber EVO and CO2-type LT722D.
FOBA Supports Manufacturers With Webcasts And Flexible Marking Solutions During Crisis April 21, 2020 Laser marking ensures safe traceability as well as counterfeit protection.