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Software Stay informed with the latest insights, news, resources and products in Software to improve your manufacturing career and operations. software, software manufacturing, controls and

The New Imperative: Improving Operations Through Industry 4.0

When it comes to being successful, manufacturers today have more tools than ever to succeed. Chris Mahar, Associate Editor of Manufacturing Engineering, talks with Jeff Lage, President, Advanced Manufacturing Technologies at Ellison Technologies, about how Industry 4.0 is helping manufacturers improve operations through data collection and insights. Providing tips on how businesses can get the most capacity out of their machines, remove waste and enable their machines do more.

Advanced Technology Depends on Controls, Design

Nothing seems so obvious in subtractive machining than that milling and turning processes really are very different: single point vs. multipoint tools; rotating workpiece vs. rotating tool; static tool vs. rotating tool, etc.

ERP Software Gives Real-Time Data Access

Enpress LLC (Eastlake, OH) selected ERP software from Epicor Software (Austin, TX) in March 2014 to gain real-time access to data to improve operational efficiencies internally and communications with its customers.

Real-Time Mobile Messaging Keeps Factory Floors Humming

Launched in November 2016 at FABTECH, Squeaks is a mobile-first Industrial Internet of Things [IIoT] messaging app that facilitates quicker, better decision-making and closed-loop collaboration, with machines as part of the conversation.

Powering Up CAD/CAM Training

To climb the Mastercam learning curve, Ariel Corp. worked with CNC Software to craft a training course for its workforce.