Let’s boldly go where no robot has gone before April 7, 2021 COVID-19 put a spotlight on the brittleness of the U.S. manufacturing supply chain. Responding to crises of many types requires, at least, the ability to rapidly repair or rebuild the machines that are the foundation of our economy.
Young CEO takes up mantle of 'responsible manufacturing' April 6, 2021 A conversation between Contributing Editor Kip Hanson and CEO of EOS, Marie Langer.
Tenured robotics integrator turns on a dime to help manufacturers do the same April 5, 2021 In October, in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic, a smaller machine shop in Wisconsin needed a robot to deburr parts—and fast.
25 leaders transforming manufacturing April 5, 2021 The need for leadership in smart manufacturing cannot be overstated: Making revolutionary changes can be arduous.
Braskem’s use of digital twin exemplifies Society 5.0 April 2, 2021 To achieve a better world, we have chosen Society 5.0 as our key driver. The evolution of automation technologies in the context of Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0 is fantastic, but the focus should be to benefit society, humankind and the earth.
SME’s new CEO won’t let up on continuous improvement April 1, 2021 The adoption of smart manufacturing processes reminds Bob Willig of his “lean manufacturing journey, years ago,” he said.
Addressing great need for automation of composites April 1, 2021 The aerospace industry is setting itself up for a massive conjunction of need for industrial capacity to produce parts in the near future.
Smart manufacturing takeaways from NASA’s latest trip to Mars March 31, 2021 NASA landed another rover on Mars in February, thanks in part to the work and leadership of Adam Steltzner. Smart Manufacturing interviewed him shortly thereafter—just as he got off the phone with U.S. President Joe Biden.
Impossible Objects, Ricoh 3D to Produce Parts for European Customers March 30, 2021 A new partnership between Impossible Objects and Ricoh 3D will make strong and lightweight printed composite parts available to Ricoh 3D’s customers in Europe for the first time.
Yokogawa Acquires Fluence Analytics February 8, 2023 Yokogawa Electric Corp. announced the acquisition of Fluence Analytics, Inc., a U.S.-based startup that provides real-time analytics solutions to polymer and biopharmaceutical companies.