Medical device AM experts tackle quality, software, hiring December 7, 2021 Justin Ryan of Rady Children’s Hospital, Cambre Kelly of Restor3d and Sean McEligot of the Mayo Clinic discuss the use of additive manufacturing for end-use-device development.
Uses of Robotics in Maintenance Management January 22, 2022 There are many key benefits from investing in robotics to help manage maintenance and repairs of manufacturing equipment.
Thanks for the Memories! January 7, 2022 Manufacturing Engineering editor-in-chief Alan Rooks is retiring.
Reverse Engineering Proliferates: New Applications Emerge as Technology Improves October 13, 2021 Reverse engineering is becoming multifaceted and complex. The key drivers: new metrology sensors and more capable software, enabled by ever more powerful and cheaper computing.
Leading with Light July 26, 2023 Revolutionizing Manufacturing: How Laser Pioneers and Automation Are Transforming the Industry
Emerging Data Analytics Tools June 22, 2023 Exploring new ways to address the real issues that inhibit productivity and profit potential
The Science of Diffusion Bonding or Joining together Dissimilar Metals January 3, 2022 Metal diffusion bonding is an essential joining method for achieving a high-purity interface when two similar metals require superior structural integrity. The process involves applying high temperature, and pressure to metals mated together in a hot press causes the atoms on solid metallic surfaces to intersperse and bond.
Discovering the Keys to U.S. Manufacturing Recovery October 5, 2021 The COVID-19 pandemic clearly proved challenging to the manufacturing industry in myriad ways. Now, as nations and industries begin to navigate their way forward as restrictions are lifted, manufacturers have an opportunity to put into practice some lessons learned.
CT Scanning Vital for Airworthy Parts October 25, 2021 Industrial computed tomography is a cost-effective, reliable way to meet intensifying requirements for qualifying both the design of aerospace parts and the materials needed for their construction.
Precision Measuring Tools and Gages: A Primer September 20, 2021 There is a wide range of precision measuring tools and gages that should be considered as basic requirements in a metalworking operation for ensuring good quality control processes.