RAPID + TCT Shows the Promise, Challenges of 3D Printing May 20, 2022 At this week’s RAPID + TCT show, the promise of additive manufacturing was on display. There was also talk of challenges facing the industry.
Executives Urge Greater 3D Printing Efforts May 18, 2022 Two executives, speaking at RAPID + TCT today, called on increased efforts in 3D printing.
The Time is Now: Sustainability in Industrial Additive Manufacturing May 25, 2022 While it may be greener than traditional manufacturing, AM remains a powerful contributor to emissions, power consumption and supply chain volume.
AISI Official Discusses Vehicle Lightweighting October 6, 2020 John Catterall, vice president, automotive program for the American Iron and Steel Institute, discusses vehicle lightweighting trends in an interview with SME Media.
Welding Automation Addresses Skills Shortage October 5, 2020 Like just about every other manufacturing operation, welding has made the leap into the 21st century with automation, agile manufacturing processes, and offline programming.
Welding With Laser September 24, 2020 As more original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and job shops “warm up” to the idea of laser welding, many have turned their attention to four specific technologies.
Sandvik Launches Sanicro 35 Super-Austenitic Grade Steel August 26, 2020 Maker of a new alloy targets extremely corrosive environments and seawater applications
Laser, Fabrication and Automation Power Ahead June 26, 2020 Laser 3D printing and marking systems are among the heavy-duty cutting and welding systems that had been scheduled for the IMTS Fabricating and Laser Pavilion—testament to the growing impact of what once might have been viewed as ancillary processes.
High-Power Fiber Laser Welding With Filler Material June 26, 2020 Fiber laser welding continues to grow as it improves in weld quality, reliability and performance. Many fiber laser welding applications are autogenous, where the weld is formed entirely by melting parts of the base metal and no additional filler wire or powder is used