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SME Search Search Results

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Adopting MBD is About More Than Technology

There is a lot of promise in the coming adoption of Model-Based Definition (MBD) in industry. MBD is the practice of attaching useful information to a 3D CAD model, such as tolerances or material properties. This should be especially good news for manufacturing engineers.

Shop Roots Out Long Set Up Times with Advanced Automation

Erik Anderson, president and CEO of Basin Precision Machining LLC, has determined that setups are the root of all evil when it comes to manufacturing productivity. They cause part variations, downtime, and high-percentage scrap rates.

Ten Safety Tips for Oil and Gas Industry Workers

Workers in the oil and gas industry continue to be one of the groups at the highest risk of injuries and fatalities on the job compared to all other U.S. industries. The most recent data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (2015) revealed that out of 120 workplace deaths in the mining, oil, and gas extraction industry, 74 of them occurred within the support activities for oil and gas operations.

IMTS Network Week Premiers September 14 – 18

On Monday, September 14, IMTS – The International Manufacturing Technology Show will launch IMTS Network, a new digital channel that will broadcast live on from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. (CT) each day through September 18.