New Chiller Technology Helps Industrial Lasers Keep Their Cool April 9, 2018 Industrial lasers require cooling to remove excess heat generated in the resonator power electronics and the optics system. The type of cooling required is determined by laser wattage, resonator efficiency, resonator and optics temperature requirements, and ambient temperature.
Performance Breakthroughs Drive Laser Marking April 9, 2018 While laser marking and engraving are well-established processes, innovations and investments in the sector are continuing to push performance boundaries.
Laser Welding Advances Fuel New Applications April 6, 2018 From producing lithium-ion batteries to processing sheetmetal, new laser welding systems are “pushing the envelope” of light absorption, beam control, speed and programming flexibility.
Process Reliability: The Springboard to Efficiency March 6, 2018 I’m among the first to dive into the latest manufacturing innovations and see how they can improve our customers’ operations. Yet, I’m also among the first to advise them to pause and ensure that the fundamentals of their manufacturing processes are in place before adding something new into the complex mix of functionality and desired outcomes.
Prima Power Laserdyne Contributes Microscope To Anoka Technical College June 10, 2021 Prima Power Laserdyne recently presented a Zeiss high-resolution microscope to the welding program leaders of Anoka Technical College as the college expands its robotic and laser welding program.
Group14 Technologies Announces U.S. Plant April 19, 2021 Group14 Technologies, a global provider of silicon-carbon composite materials for lithium-ion markets, announced the launch of its first commercial-scale 27,000-square foot U.S. manufacturing factory.
Know Your Metals: Aluminum March 31, 2021 Aluminum and its alloys are highly popular in the machining industry for many reasons. Did you know it is the most abundant metal on Earth?
You're Never Too Small for Industrial Robots February 19, 2021 Claudia Jarrett, U.S. country manager at automation parts supplier EU Automation, explains why robots are more than affordable for small and mid-sized enterprises (SMEs).
Novelis Debuts New Aluminum Solution Category for Automakers February 25, 2021 Advanz 7UHS-s701 Provides High-Strength Product for Structural Applications
Jeanmarie Desmond and Natalia Pavlova Join Board of IPG Photonics January 26, 2021 IPG Photonics Corp., a manufacturer of high-power fiber lasers and amplifiers for materials processing and other applications has appointed Jeanmarie Desmond and Natalia Pavlova to its board of directors, effective January 7, 2021.