Laser Genius Elevates Productivity to New Heights July 21, 2017 Like its products, technology demands for thyssenkrupp Elevator Corp. are “going up.” A business unit of ThyssenKrupp Elevator AG, the company oversees all business operations in the US, Canada, and Central and South America, and says it is the largest producer of elevators in the Americas, with 13,500 employees, more than 200 branches and service locations, and sales of $2.7 billion.
A More Affordable, Less Complex MES March 18, 2024 A manufacturing execution system is often the first step for Industry 4.0 implementation, but most are optimized to serve OEMs. Pico MES Inc. is looking out for the little guy.
How Machine Learning Aids Material Selection April 8, 2024 When it comes to materials, artificial intelligence can automate the screening process, simulate the performance of different materials and identify the best option.
Canatu and Denso Launch New Carbon Nanotube Reactor April 4, 2024 The reactor was designed to scale up production of CNT film, particularly for the automotive industry’s ADAS market.
Change-up Pitch: From Metal to Plastic October 2, 2014 Even though it’s been around since the 1950s, when engineering-grade resins were first introduced, many manufacturers still are not familiar with the many benefits that metal-to-plastic conversion provides.
3D Printing Builds Up its Manufacturing Resume June 1, 2014 The additive manufacturing revolution is in full stride, flying in aircraft and giving manufacturers a robust tool for design and production
Connecting the Digital World with the Factory Floor April 1, 2014 The classic manufacturing conundrum is how to make products quicker, cheaper, and better.
Laser Welding Applications Expand March 1, 2014 Solid-state laser technology has matured, leading to development of new, cost-effective welding applications, such as hybrid welding
Nano Molding and Tooling October 30, 2013 The growing need for nano and micro components in the medical industries is challenging manufacturers to continually improve upon their manufacturing processes and take a scientific approach to injection molding and tooling.