Metal Parts Follow Tough Plastics Act April 1, 2010 When you walk into the Redeye On Demand facility in Eden Prairie, MN, you enter into one version of the factory of the future. There you will see a bank of 100 high-end Fortus fused-deposition modeling (FDM) machines from Stratasys that provide the capacity to build real, functional parts with production-grade thermoplastics directly from CAD data.
Tooling to Match Composite Production April 1, 2009 It’s getting harder to imagine any market that isn’t benefiting from the latest developments in parts manufactured from advanced composites. “Advanced composites will arguably dominate consumer and production products, especially in the near future,” says Bert Erdel, industry consultant and executive technology advisor, Morris Group Inc. (Windsor, CT), “as they have begun to gain wide acceptance in solving energy-related issues.”
Solutions for Difficult Machining January 1, 2009 The machining challenges for two of the most advanced concepts in cutting tool materials are pretty well known. Cubic boron nitride (CBN) tools of varying designs are being used to cut hardened ferrous metals with or without interrupted cuts, as well as welded and clad metals.
Cutting Tools for Composites April 1, 2009 Machining composites presents unique challenges compared to metals. Reinforcement fibers are abrasive, shortening tool life. The plastic matrix carries away little heat, unlike metal chips, and overheating can melt the matrix.
Advanced Materials in Automotive September 1, 2009 Advanced materials for automotive manufacturing are helping automakers build lighter, more fuel-efficient vehicles.
Advanced Technologies Supplement: Processes Reduce Composite Costs April 1, 2007 Composites engineers are expanding their craft to build more complex, durable parts at higher production volumes. One way they are achieving this objective is by using infusion-molding processes based on Resin Transfer Molding (RTM) and Vacuum Assisted Resin Transfer Molding (VARTM).
Tackling Downtime and Inefficiencies with Software November 20, 2019 Turning to software over paper reports does more than just save trees. Chris Mahar, Associate Editor of Manufacturing Engineering, talks with David McPhail, President and CEO of Memex Inc., about how manufacturers can utilize technology to improve efficiency, reduce downtime and boost productivity and profits across their business.
Perfecting Machining at Rolls-Royce Defense August 31, 2021 What makes an engineer is the ability to analyze a process that makes an excellent product—and find a cheaper way to do it.
Integrating CAD/CAM with Key Software Partners August 16, 2021 The importance of playing well with others in the age of interoperability.
Hexagon Giving CAD Software Access to Users of WORKNC July 14, 2021 Hexagon is providing mold and die shops using its CAM software WORKNC with immediate access to its model preparation software. This allows integration of production workflows from any CAD model format to CAM so shops can machine parts more efficiently and avoid costly errors.