Laser-Equipped Swiss CNCs Grow in Capability, Ease of Use June 25, 2020 Beginning around six years ago, one machine tool builder after another added laser cutting and even welding to their products’ already impressive repertoires.
Detroit Tigers: Reverse-Engineered World Series Trophy Honors ’68 Tigers January 2, 2019 Technology came to the aid of Detroit Tigers management when they hoped to recapture some of the magic of the 1968 Detroit Tigers’ World Series-winning season. The 50-year anniversary celebration, held September 7-9, 2018, included on-field festivities in which the 16 surviving members of the 1968 team were presented with replicas of the World Series’ trophy.
From Multispot Welding to Limiting Soot: Tips for Optimal Laser Joins September 28, 2018 In our May webinar titled “Lasers in Manufacturing: State of the Art in 2018,” we noted the emergence of some novel technologies to produce the “holy grail” of laser welding: spatter-free joins with no porosity and, when required, highly aesthetic outcomes.
Thick Plate, Tube and More: Laser Cutting Advice from the Pros September 28, 2018 From cutting various thicknesses of sheet metal and metal plate or different widths of tubing to navigating intricate materials or process issues, some of the laser industry’s leading suppliers have weighed in with tips and insights into their novel solutions.
IMTS: Fabricating & Lasers Pavilion Shows Need for Constant Improvement August 9, 2018 The Fabricating & Lasers pavilion of IMTS shows how makers of machine tools have to keep improving their product lineup. For one thing, customer expectations continue to rise.
Aiming to Improve, Enhance Firearms Marking March 8, 2022 Laser marking is fast, flexible, repeatable, durable and it’s a one-button operation.
New President and CEO Named at TRUMPF Inc. February 2, 2022 Lutz Labisch to Become President and CEO for TRUMPF in North America
Thanks for the Memories! January 7, 2022 Manufacturing Engineering editor-in-chief Alan Rooks is retiring.
NSK America Launches Latest Ultrasonic Polisher, The Sheenus Zero September 28, 2020 NSK America Corp. has upgraded its Ultrasonic Polisher with the Sheenus ZERO. Enhanced features of the Sheenus ZERO Ultrasonic Polisher include an improved, user-friendly design and high efficiency power, according to the company.
Remote Monitoring Reveals How to Boost Uptime on Laser Machines April 27, 2020 East Iowa Machine Co. (EIMCo) in Farley, Iowa, is a full-service machine and fabrication shop. It is an ISO 9001:2015 certified manufacturing company, employing about 150 people on three shifts at its single 130,000 ft2 (12,077 m3) location, and converts raw metals into finished component parts and assemblies using a wide variety of CNC equipment and state-of-the-art manufacturing processes.