Verisurf Software Partners With OpenX to Close Skills Gap December 16, 2020 Verisurf Software has partnered with OpenX, an interactive learning platform, to provide comprehensive education courses to those looking to pursue a career in dimensional metrology or expand their skills in specific application areas.
Automatic Evaluation of X-ray Detector Performance December 1, 2020 Nikon Metrology's new Detector Evaluation Package in accordance with ASTM E2737 uniquely offers automated analysis of image data with performance trend analysis.
AISI Official Discusses Vehicle Lightweighting October 6, 2020 John Catterall, vice president, automotive program for the American Iron and Steel Institute, discusses vehicle lightweighting trends in an interview with SME Media.
Welding With Laser September 24, 2020 As more original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and job shops “warm up” to the idea of laser welding, many have turned their attention to four specific technologies.
Fab Cutting Update: Laser and Waterjet September 23, 2020 What doesn’t happen in Vegas stays in our magazine. So, we bring you some highlights of the exciting advances in cutting you would have seen at FABTECH 2020 this year in Las Vegas, which has been canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
No Burrs, No Defects October 2, 2020 A burr could become a danger point in the turbine engine. Classical manufacturing processes like turning, milling and grinding can lead to burr formation and unwanted sharp edges.
New Management, Processes Deliver Growth to SPM October 9, 2020 Long-term customer contracts are a lofty goal for every contract manufacturer. At Shapes Precision Manufacturing (SPM), that goal is being achieved by a strong new management team using new fabricating processes initiated by a skilled workforce.
Creaform Announces New Suite Of Automated Dimensional Quality Control Solutions September 25, 2020 Company releases new MetraSCAN-R BLACK robot mounted scanner, additional models of the CUBE-R 3D scanning CMM and new digital twin environment software.
Bruker Alicona Optical µCMM Machine Goes on the Road August 19, 2020 From September to November, optical measurement supplier Bruker Alicona is hosting a U.S roadshow. In more than 20 cities, exclusive demos of their optical metrology equipment will be organized under consideration of COVID-19 regulations.
Sandvik Launches Sanicro 35 Super-Austenitic Grade Steel August 26, 2020 Maker of a new alloy targets extremely corrosive environments and seawater applications