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SME Search Search Results

Displaying 421-430 of 1049 results for

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Simulation Drives Advanced Manufacturing Trends

Simulation software has traditionally been used to predict the behavior of a product or system before designs are finalized and to understand the cause of failures after they have happened so that they can be avoided in the future.

Mastercam Retains Top Ranking Worldwide in 2020

More shops and schools invest in Mastercam than any other CAD/CAM software package in the world, according to CIMdata, an independent research firm specializing in the NC industry. CIMdata reports that Mastercam is the number one CAM software used worldwide for 26 years in a row

Adapting Metal Cutting to Higher Power, Higher-Speed Lasers

Using lasers to cut metal, especially sheet metal or tubes, continues to show its value. The market is becoming dominated by the newer solid-state fiber laser over its CO2 gas rival. Fiber’s advantages in ease of operation, packaging and efficiency are clear.