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SME Search Search Results

Displaying 421-430 of 8146 results for

2022 or earlier clear

Using Advanced Cutting Tool Technology to Improve Productivity

Cutting tool technology continues to advance, and manufacturers can take advantage of a wide range of new cutting tool products. In this episode, Alan Rooks, Editor in Chief of Manufacturing Engineering magazine, talks with Tim Easton, National Sales Manager for NTK Cutting Tools.

Building a Multigenerational Manufacturing Workforce

Today's workforce is changing and workers stretch across four different generations. Chris Mahar, associate editor of Manufacturing Engineering, talks with Denise Ball, Workforce Education Specialist at Tooling U-SME, about how manufacturers can succeed in this new environment. Offering tips on how to attract and retain new generations of workers without alienating more experienced employees and their contributions.

Learning Additive Manufacturing At Purdue University

In this podcast, Bruce Morey, Senior Technical Editor of Manufacturing Engineering Magazine, talks with John Barnes, Founder and Managing Director of The Barnes Group Advisors and Purdue Instructor about earning a certificate in additive manufacturing.

Analyzing Machine Data for Process Improvement

Today’s machine tools and ancillary equipment are capable of gathering vast amounts of data. The question is how to analyze this data in order to develop ways to improve key processes. In this episode, Alan Rooks, Editor in Chief of Manufacturing Engineering magazine, talks with Andy Henderson, Vice of Engineering & Data Science for Praemo Inc. about how data analysis impacts manufacturing, the data requirements to do effective analysis, and key methods of analyzing data for actionable results.

How Metalworking Fluids Can Be a Strategic Advantage for Machine Shops

Metalworking fluids are a key part of the manufacturing process, but many shops don’t understand the critical importance of choosing the right fluid for their processes. In this podcast, Alan Rooks, editor in chief of Manufacturing Engineering magazine, speaks with Drew Borders, business development manager for Blaser Swisslube, about why metalworking fluids should NOT be thought of as a commodity and an “unavoidable cost” to a company, how metalworking fluids can be a strategic tool for manufacturers, and the role of new vegetable oil or ester-based metalworking fluids.

The Advantages for Manufacturers of Outsourcing Marketing Operations

In this podcast, Alan Rooks, editor in chief of Manufacturing Engineering magazine, talks with Damien Cabral, partner in TribalVision, about the marketing challenges facing manufacturing companies in today’s business climate, why a company would want to use outsourced marketing instead of their own staffers, and some real-world examples of how this process works.

Tackling Employee Turnover

Jeannine Kunz, vice president at Tooling U-SME, talks with Chris Mahar, associate editor of Manufacturing Engineering, about Tooling U-SME’s recent “The True Cost of Turnover” report and the impact that employee turnover has on manufacturing productivity.