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SME Search Search Results

Displaying 441-450 of 1451 results for

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Deep Hole Drilling Demands Precise Coolant Control

Today’s deep hole drilling systems control coolant much the same as they would a machine’s spindle or axes. Careful management of coolant pressure, filtration, temperature and flow rate is key to optimizing deep hole drilling.

Let’s boldly go where no robot has gone before

COVID-19 put a spotlight on the brittleness of the U.S. manufacturing supply chain. Responding to crises of many types requires, at least, the ability to rapidly repair or rebuild the machines that are the foundation of our economy.

Braskem’s use of digital twin exemplifies Society 5.0

To achieve a better world, we have chosen Society 5.0 as our key driver. The evolution of automation technologies in the context of Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0 is fantastic, but the focus should be to benefit society, humankind and the earth.