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SME Search Search Results

Displaying 441-450 of 1033 results for

Casting clear Smart Manufacturing clear Software clear Stamping clear

In China, and world over, it will soon be all about adroitly adjusting on the fly

The concepts Industry 4.0 in Europe, Made in China 2025 and smart manufacturing in the U.S. “all share a common goal—to create cyber-physical systems to innovate in manufacturing,” IDC's Bob Parker said at Dassault Systèmes’ recent Manufacturing in the Age of Experience event. “And it’s really dependent on a set of new technologies like IoT (the Internet of Things) and artificial intelligence (AI).”

Siemens Emphasizes Integrated Toolsets at Conference

There is still a lot of talk about breaking down the “silos” within a manufacturing enterprise. Siemens, like other software providers, is trying to address the problem by offering toolsets that are easier to integrate and work together.

Showcasing Industry Smarts

Collaboration, outreach, industry experts, and a multitude of cutting-edge technologies took center stage at the recent Smart Manufacturing Experience.