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SME Search Search Results

Displaying 481-490 of 1086 results for

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IMTS Network Week Premiers September 14 – 18

On Monday, September 14, IMTS – The International Manufacturing Technology Show will launch IMTS Network, a new digital channel that will broadcast live on from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. (CT) each day through September 18.

AI Enters Inspections

An Israeli company has developed new artificial intelligence technology that promises to dramatically change how original equipment manufacturers and their suppliers conduct quality control inspections.

A Playbook for Manufacturers Fighting COVID-19

When an unanticipated global crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic disrupts national economies in a domino-like effect, a rapid response is required to mitigate supply chain disruptions.

Making Parts for Next-Gen Vehicles

Tesla and the march to all-electric cars and trucks may get most of the press. But the reality is that most U.S. automakers need to tackle the twin challenges of building both new components unique to electric vehicles while also building internal combustion engines (ICEs) that are ever-more fuel efficient.

Auto Industry Gets Back Into Gear Following COVID-19 Shutdown

The North American auto industry slammed on the brakes in March because of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). The sector already had been forecast to slow down in 2020, with lower light-vehicle demand. That turned into a sudden stop as the coronavirus spread.