ZEISS Completes Steel Construction of New Facility in Michigan June 13, 2019 With the Steel Topping Out event, ZEISS has completed the steel portion of its state-of-the-art site near Detroit. The new facility for the Industrial Quality and Research (IQR) segment of ZEISS, represented in the USA by Carl Zeiss Industrial Metrology, LLC, is scheduled to be complete in June 2020 and will consolidate four existing Michigan facilities into one location.
Automation and AI Bring Future Closer Than Ever August 13, 2019 As a self-aware millennial, Pat Evans has long been wary of how quickly technology is taking over our lives and quickly dominating the economy. Attending HxGN Live in June, Hexagon AB’s annual digital solutions conference, some of those fears were reinforced, while others were quelled.
Process Control by Analyzing Metal Temperature Gradients with Fixed Thermal Imaging November 22, 2019 Producing metal products is one of the most energy intensive industries. Improving both energy and production efficiency, as well as ensuring product quality is at the top of any manufacturers to do list. Engineers should consider using fixed thermal imaging cameras to optimize their manufacturing process.
Combined with AI, IoT, Blockchain Can Meet Many Supply Chain Challenges February 12, 2019 Blockchain technology is becoming a key player in modernizing supply chains to enable easy tracking, automate transactions and delivery, and build end-to-end trust, Chandra Narayanaswami, principal research staff member, Member IBM Academy of Technology at IBM Research, told people attending a smart manufacturing session at the MD&M West conference here last week.
Know Your Metals: Aluminum March 31, 2021 Aluminum and its alloys are highly popular in the machining industry for many reasons. Did you know it is the most abundant metal on Earth?
Vertex Software Awarded Patent for 3D Object Visualization March 23, 2021 The Software Also Allows for Manipulation Across Multiple Devices
Toolpath Simulation, Optimization Boosts Part Manufacturing for Fixtures February 2, 2021 Those who manufacture precision workholding systems have the same goals and challenges as the machinists who use them. Both groups strive to reduce setup times and optimize cutting cycles. Secure, consistent, and accurate gripping is paramount.
Altair Announces Integrated Platform May 10, 2021 Altair announced Altair One, which the company described as "a fully integrated platform that brings together the company’s entire product suite and HPC capabilities to facilitate seamless collaboration and faster time-to-market."
SMARTTECH3D and Verisurf Software Announce Solution Partnership May 11, 2021 SMARTTECH3D and Verisurf Software Announce Solution Partnership, 3D Scanning to Inspection, Reverse Engineering to Intelligent CAD
Nexteer Revamps Software Engineering Organization April 29, 2021 Nexteer Automotive said it is creating a single strategic software team.