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SME Search Search Results

Displaying 41-50 of 1235 results for

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Flowserve finds solace in data-driven decision making

COVID-19 marked the first time in history that supply, demand and the workforce were impacted at the same time by an adverse event. Manufacturing sites shut down, ports closed and the global economy was hit hard.

Yamaichi Special Steel masters generative design

In the never-ending quest to create better products, the latest tool is a technology called “generative design” (GD). A GD algorithm receives high-level requirements as input and generates an optimal design as output.

Using Data to Deliver Results

There’s much more to leveraging production data than its capture and analysis; there’s also integration with the company’s other software systems and the strategic perspective that results.

Leading with Light

Revolutionizing Manufacturing: How Laser Pioneers and Automation Are Transforming the Industry