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SME Search Search Results

Displaying 41-50 of 155 results for

Cybersecurity clear Product Design & Engineering clear

A New Way of Integrating Electronics Into Things

Applications for flexible hybrid electronics in aerospace and defense exist in environmental monitoring, biomedical assessment, security, communications, energy generation and storage, computation, supply chain management and asset sustainment.

Traceability tech proving its value

After a few years of mostly hype, blockchain is starting to deliver and prove its value in manufacturing, particularly in aerospace and defense and within additive manufacturing.

The Business Case for PLE in Auto Design

Feature-based Product Line Engineering (PLE) is an engineering discipline that harnesses the similarities among related products, while respecting and managing their differences.

CT Scanning Vital for Airworthy Parts

Industrial computed tomography is a cost-effective, reliable way to meet intensifying requirements for qualifying both the design of aerospace parts and the materials needed for their construction.