ISM Forecasts Manufacturing to Expand in 2020 December 11, 2019 Manufacturing should expand in the first half of 2020, including increased revenue for companies, the Institute for Supply Management said this week in a semi-annual forecast.
VeriTX Announces Licensing Agreement December 17, 2019 VeriTX Corp. announced today an agreement to license Moog Inc.’s VeriPart process which enables high integrity supply chain solutions.
2019 U.S. Cutting Tool Orders Close at $2.4 Billion February 24, 2020 December 2019 U.S. cutting tool consumption totaled $187.2 million, according to the U.S. Cutting Tool Institute (USCTI) and AMT – The Association For Manufacturing Technology.
Manufacturing Cuts 18,000 Jobs in March April 3, 2020 Manufacturing lost 18,000 jobs last month, with non-durable goods industries taking the biggest hit as the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) slammed the economy.
Manufacturing ‘Stepping Up’ to Combat COVID-19, NAM Says March 26, 2020 U.S. manufacturing is “stepping up” to produce medical products needed to treat cases of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), the head of a major trade and lobbying group said today.
Durable Goods Orders Rise in February March 27, 2020 Durable goods orders rose in February before the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) began to hit the U.S. economy.
NAMRC 47: Innovations in Manufacturing Research December 5, 2019 The North American manufacturing Research Institution of SME (NAMRI | SME) held its 47th annual conference on manufacturing research (NAMRC 47) in Erie, Pa., from June 10-14.
Machine Tool Orders Post Monthly Gain in October December 10, 2019 Machine tool orders posted a small gain in October, helped by a boost from machine shops and the auto industry, according to a monthly report.
Time to Prepare, Not Panic, in 2020 November 26, 2019 Expect at least two recessions, or downturns in GDP growth, in the next few years. That is the prediction of Brian Beaulieu, CEO and chief economist for ITR Economics.
Manufacturing Job Growth Resumes in September October 5, 2018 Manufacturing job expansion resumed in September after pausing in August. The sector added 18,000 jobs last month, with 17,000 of the gain taking place in durable goods, according to a breakdown by industry issued today by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.